How to Report Unsafe Vehicles in New Jersey

Auteur: Judy Howell
Date De Création: 1 Juillet 2021
Date De Mise À Jour: 1 Juillet 2024
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Vidéo: 10 Places in NEW JERSEY You Should NEVER Move To


New Jersey uses a special task force of patrolmen to fight back against aggressive drivers. The #77 Aggressive Driver System allows motorists to report erratic drivers when police arent available. Learn what you can do to report aggressive drivers in New Jersey who speed excessively, change lanes improperly or pass vehicles unlawfully.

Step 1

Try to remember the unsafe drivers license plate number, if its visible. Note the make and model of the car, it color and a description of the driver.

Step 2

Pull over to the side of the road and write down the license plate number.

Step 3

Call New Jerseys Aggressive Driver system by dialing #77 on your cell phone or dial 888-SAF-ROAD.

Tell the dispatcher the aggressive drivers license plate number in addition to the make and model of the car, the cars color, a description of the driver, the road you spotted the driver on and the direction the driver is heading. Provide road markers, like a milepost, if necessary. Leave your callback number in case the authorities have further questions.


  • If the driver causes a collision, call 9-1-1 to report the accident as an emergency (see reference 2).

Items you will need

  • Callback telephone number
  • Vehicle description

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