How to Report a Reckless Driver on an Illinois State Highway

Auteur: Robert Simon
Date De Création: 22 Juin 2021
Date De Mise À Jour: 24 Juin 2024
How to Lookup Illinois License Plates and Report Bad Drivers
Vidéo: How to Lookup Illinois License Plates and Report Bad Drivers


One of the scariest things to witness while driving in Illinois is another driver being reckless. Not only are they a danger to themselves, theyre a threat to others on the road, and their careless behavior is against the law. Its your right to report any reckless driver in Illinois to law enforcement officials to prevent them from causing any bodily harm and injury.

Obtain vehicle information

Step 1

Record as much information as you can about the vehicle being driven recklessly. Make, model, color and license plate number are all crucial information to provide law enforcement as it will help them make a positive identification. Any additional information you can give them about unusual vehicle add-ons or accessories, as well as a physical description of the driver are helpful, although not necessary. Write down the location you witness the reckless driving and the direction of travel. This will help police locate the vehicle.

Step 2

Phone the Illinois State Police to report the reckless driver and give them the information you recorded. Anyone in Illinois can do this from a cellphone by dialing *999. It is highly advised that someone other than the driver make the call to police. The last thing a person should do is create a road hazard while trying to report one to police. If alone, pull off to the side of the road, or into a parking lot, and make the call while the car is stopped.

Continue on your way, leaving the matter in the capable hands of the Illinois State Police or the police of whatever citys jurisdiction you may be in at the time. In Illinois, like in many states, the police must observe a driver being reckless before they can issue a ticket or make an arrest.


  • If you witness reckless driving, do not try to follow, trail or tailgate the reckless driver, thereby becoming a liability yourself. Once you have all the information the police need, let them do their job. Also, do not attempt to pull the driver over. Again, you want to eliminate dangers on the roadway, not create them.

Items you will need

  • Cell phone
  • Pen and paper

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