How to program a Toyota keyless entry remote fob

Auteur: Laura McKinney
Date De Création: 3 Avril 2021
Date De Mise À Jour: 1 Juillet 2024
How to program 2000-2006 Toyota remote key fob
Vidéo: How to program 2000-2006 Toyota remote key fob


Replacing a lost keyless entry fob at the dealer can cost more than $50 dollars and requires you to take time out of your day to go to the Toyota dealer. By obtaining a key fob on eBay or other sources on the internet, you can save time and lots of money.

Step 1

Start with the Driver door open and unlocked, with the key out of the ignition.

Step 2

Insert the key into the ignition switch and remove it two times in 5 sec.

Step 3

Close and open driver door two times in 40 sec.

Step 4

Insert the key and remove it again from ignition.

Step 5

Close and open driver door 2 times in 40 sec.

Step 6

Insert the key in ignition.

Step 7

Close the driver door.

Step 8

Turn the ignition to on (One step from Off - do not turn to crank engine. If engine is cranked accidently, start over at step 1. and back to lock in 1 second intervals. 1 time for add a new fob, 2 times to rewrite all fobs, 3 for confirmation of programming and 5 for prohibition of programming. (There is no "4").

Step 9

For add or rewrite mode within 40 sec of the confirmation, A. press "lock" and "unlock" buttons of the FOB at the same time between 1 and 1.5 seconds. B. within 3 sec press "Lock" button for more than 1 sec and release. C. If its correct, the power door lock will cycle once. If its wrong the door lock will cycle twice.

Step 10

Remove the key from the ignition. The locks will cycle locked and unlocked to confirm programming.

Programming is now complete - congratulations youve done it yourself and saved some money.


  • Buy replacement fobs on eBay - they can typically be purchased for $5-$20, which is less than half what a keyless entry fob costs at your Toyota dealer.


  • Follow the instructions detailed in this article exactly to ensure success.

Items you will need

  • A replacement Toyota keyless entry fob.
  • These instructions.

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