How to Obtain an SR-22

Auteur: Laura McKinney
Date De Création: 1 Avril 2021
Date De Mise À Jour: 1 Juillet 2024
SR22 Insurance - How to Get Your Driver’s License Reinstated Quickly
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Do you know what an SR-22 is? It is the official documentation required to redeem a suspended license and get your car registered at the local department of Vehicles (DMV). The reasons you would need an SR-22 varies. The most common scenario is when you are arrested for Driving Under Intoxication (DUI) or Driving While Intoxicated (DWI). The SR-22 is a formality required to be completed by your insurance company saying that they are willing to insure you after evaluating your current and past driving history and reassessing your risk status. In other words, the SR-22 is a form issued by your insurance company that helps remove your suspension order and re-establish your driving privileges at the DMV.

Step 1

Call your insurance agent or company and inform them that your license has been suspended. Ask the agent to provide any necessary assistance.

Step 2

Get your driving re-assessed. The insurance company will reassess your risk rating and give you a revised quote if you wish to restore the suspension and get insured with them again. Some companies may refuse to offer insurance coverage. In such cases, you will have to start shopping for quotes.

Step 3

Indicate the type of insurance you are willing to buy. Usually, a comprehensive and collision coverage will be very expensive and companies may not provide you with this type of policy as you fall in the risky driver category. One available option would be to buy minimum liability coverage on your vehicle. Another option is to purchase a non-owners liability coverage. Purchasing a policy from an insurance company is the only way to qualify for SR-22 application as this procedure can only be carried out by the insurance companies

Step 4

Contact the local DMV and inquire about "assigned risk" program companies. If nobody insures you, these companies will. They are assigned to extend insurance policies to those who are risky and cannot easily get insurance coverage.

Step 5

Remember the premium for this situation will be substantially high.

Pay the first premium and get the policy from your insurance company. The company will also mail you the SR-22 form. Fill in the information and take it to the local DMV. At that point, you should get your license restored as soon as possible.


  • If you pay by credit card, money order or cashiers check, your SR-22 filing will be issued instantly. This will save you time.
  • There is a separate fee for getting an SR-22 filing from the insurance companies.


  • Remember the reasons for suspensions include but are not limited to: drunk driving, more minor violations per year than permitted, unpaid fines or parking violations, uninsured accidents and failure to comply with local laws and DMV regulations.

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