How to Never Receive a Photo Radar Ticket in the Mail

Auteur: Lewis Jackson
Date De Création: 6 Peut 2021
Date De Mise À Jour: 25 Juin 2024


Heres how to never receive a photo radar ticket in the mail. You may run a red light or be speeding accidently and see the flash in your rear view mirror. You think, Oh, no, Ive been caught by photo radar. If you follow these simple steps, you may never receive that ticket in the mail at all. Photo radar traffic tickets started in Europe as early as 1978. Even then the photos from the traffic cameras showed the front and back of the car and the driver. It has begun to pop up in nearly every state as a moneymaker to fill the state coffers. It works exactly like it sounds. A computer and a radar unit are attached to a camera. The roadway has buried hot spots for detecting movement. When a vehicle exceeds the posted speed or runs the red light, the hot spots a to the computer to record it and the camera takes the photo. Most cameras are set to show the front and back of the law breaking vehicle and the driver. However the cameras are not infallible. Once a ticket showed the correct automobile but the driver was deceased years before. Keeping in mind that camera photo radar laws are different in each state, these are generalized steps but may work in most states with photo cameras. You will need to check your state laws for loopholes. Here are some steps you can take now to NEVER receive that photo radar ticket:

Step 1

There are many legal ways to fool the paperwork on a photo radar traffic ticket. One way is to cross-register your vehicle with your spouse or other opposite sex family member. The sex of the person named on the ticket will be the opposite sex of the driver in the photo. Its normally kicked out by the editors when it is obviously the wrong sex person driving. If you do receive the photo radar traffic ticket, you can have the police or court dismiss the citation due to the opposite sex photo. You are not obligated to say who was driving.

Step 2

You can re-register your automobile under the name of a family trust, a limited liability corporation, a regular corporation, or limited partnership business. If a notice of violation comes in the mail, trash it as police and courts may take no further action.

Step 3

You can ignore the ticket and trash it. If you do, you may have to dodge a process server for 4 months. However if you can dodge them for four months, because if the ticket isnt served or signed, it must be dismissed from the court after 4 months. See tips below about dodging.

Step 4

Your state may have a website where you can check the status of the ticket without penalty or tracking.

Step 5

Another possibility is to register your automobile with a Post Office box as your mailing address. The motor vehicle division may require a physical address for you but perhaps only the box address may show at the photo-enforcement company.

Step 6

At least with a post office box, the process server will be unable to find you. Also pay a little extra to go to a non published number so they cant get your address.

In fact, due to editing by the photo company, who s the information on to the police department for citations, you may never receive it. They normally dont tickets to P.O. Boxes, Businesses, Corporations, or other governments(like a county or state vehicle).


  • Ignoring the process server takes some finesse but can be done. Stay quiet and unseen so when a stranger comes to your door they will think you are not home.
  • Keep lights off at night unless you can devise a blackout window shade.
  • Park your car down the street and walk to it by different routes as though you are someone else. Watch out the door to make sure no one is around when you go to your car.
  • They may have the license plate number and make and be watching your car. Ride the bus. Have your spouse drop you off at work.
  • Dont let them see you through the window moving around inside your home. They can leave the papers on your doorstep if they suspect you are home and it is an official delivery.
  • Most process servers come in the evening or weekends when you may be more apt to be home, but dont answer the door to morning or afternoon visitors who may be suspicious.
  • Dont let your children open the door or if outside, dont let them tell strangers you are home.


  • If the ticket doesnt get signed or served within 4 months it must be dismissed from the court.
  • Check to see if your state has a website to check the status of your ticket.

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