Home Remedy to Clean Car Carpet

Auteur: Robert Simon
Date De Création: 19 Juin 2021
Date De Mise À Jour: 1 Juillet 2024
Vidéo: AMAZING Way To SUPER CLEAN The NASTIEST & DIRTEST Carpet & Upholstery!


Since most people dont take off their shoes when getting into a car, the carpet can get dirty very quickly. With all that dirt getting trapped in the fibers of your cars carpet and it being in an enclosed space, it can not only be unsightly, but unsanitary. Youll pay quite a bit of money to have someone clean your car, but theres no need to do that if you have time to do it yourself.

Getting Ready

Remove trash, floor mats and anything else that may hinder the cleaning process. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove loose dirt and debris. Be sure to clean under the seats. Mix a cleaning solution of one gallon of warm water and a scoop of bleach free detergent. Add a cup of white vinegar to the solution to help eliminate carpet odors. Make sure that you have rubber gloves, a clean cloth or sponge, and clean dry towels.

Removing Stains

Mix a solution of white vinegar and water in equal parts in a spray bottle and add a couple of tablespoons of dish soap. This is one of the best and cheapest ways to eliminate stains. Spray the solution on an area and scrub it into the carpet with a clean cloth or sponge. Leave it for at least a half hour. Be sure to leave the windows down to help the carpet dry faster. Blot the area dry with a clean cloth to remove any residual cleaning solution. For grease stains, sprinkle baby powder or cornstarch on the stain and leave it for two to three hours before vacuuming it. Clean the area with warm soapy water if there is any residual stain. A grease cutting dish soap mixed with hot water will render the best results.

Cleaning the Carpet

Scrub the carpet with a medium bristle brush or a clean cloth or sponge, being careful not to saturate it. Use the brush on particularly difficult areas and dont forget to clean under the seats. "Rinse" the carpet with a clean cloth or sponge and use clean water to remove any residual soap. Press dry towels to the carpet and lift them to help absorb excess moisture. To avoid mold, leave the windows down to help the carpets dry and avoid setting anything, such as floor mats, on the carpet until it is completely dry.

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