How to Fix a Loose Shift Lever on a Ford F150

Auteur: Peter Berry
Date De Création: 16 Août 2021
Date De Mise À Jour: 1 Juillet 2024
How to Fix a Loose Column Shifter
Vidéo: How to Fix a Loose Column Shifter


Typically, a Ford F150s gear shift lever does not come loose very easily. Still, there are ways it can happen. If you removed the lever previously, as part of transmission repairs, you may have not reinstalled it tight enough. This is likely to be the most common cause. Also, the lever could also loosen as a complication resulting from a collision. Another possibility includes just general wear and tear. No matter the reason, the problem can be fixed quickly.

Step 1

Grab the bezel fitted around the shift levers boot. Give it a shake. If it is lose, take note, but move on. It may not be the only loose component involved.

Step 2

Remove the four screws holding down the shift boots bezel. Pull the rubber boot upwards and over the shift knob. You are not removing the boot completely, so there is no need to remove the shift knob. You only need access to the components below the boot.

Step 3

Grab the shift levers internal boot. This is at the base of the lever, where the lever connects to the F150s internal transmission components. Give this boot a gentle shake. If it is loose, take a screwdriver and tighten the four screws at each corner.

Step 4

Locate the levers retaining nut and bolt. It is on the lower part of the lever, just above the internal boot. Give this nut and bolt a slight shake. If it is loose, tighten the nut with a socket wrench. However, do not pull the nut too tight and risk stripping either the nut or bolts threads.

Step 5

Pull the shift levers external rubber boot down from the shift knob. Place it and its trim bezel in its previous location. This will be directly over the internal shift boot. Refasten the bezels retaining screws.

Give the lever a final troubleshooting shake. If it is still loose, it may be a component within the transmission. Depending on your level of repair experience, you may want to take the Ford F150 to a mechanic.

Items you will need

  • Screwdriver
  • Socket wrench
  • Socket set

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